Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Therapy - Just like that!

A Retail Therapy as Monika puts it is indeed the best therapy ever :) All these countless therapists should just remember one standard therapy for all ailments.

This therapy helps boost your morale when you are feeling low, it even cheers you up when you are sad, it motivates when you are depressed, it relaxes you when you are stressed and it even balances your state of mind when you are over - excited about something - be it some success, some achievement or anything like that. So basically this therapy befits every state of mind.

Today was one such day for me. I had been feeling stressed out for few days now. But since yesterday i am feeling elated for no reason in particular. I listened to music all through my way home yesterday evening. I went home and even before I could think of dinner - i danced with my little girl. I sounded all chirpy and joyful. I could feel it myself too. But I could not make out the reason and i didn't bother either. I finished some long pending household work like drying 2 lots of wash lying there for 2 days, altering few of my clothes by hand sewing, clearing up mess in the bedroom, some face care, potty training for Prisha. I spent some good time with my dolly. I even managed to watch some TV and also sleep on time. All these things on the same evening has been sounding impossible to me till now. (Imagine all this done between 7:30 and 11 PM and this includes preparing dinner and having it too)

Now the simple doubt arising can be - how does retail therapy fit in here? ( As i didn't mention any done yesterday)

I was happy for no reason yesterday and it continued today. So out of that continued joy and happiness and excitement I went out at lunch time and just popped into a store to look if there was something new. Unconsciously I knew I am going there to come out with something new.

And obviously no prizes for any guesses now - I did come out with huge bag full :) WOW - what a feeling I had!! I was walking back to office all content with my new possessions - smiling wide and lost in my own thoughts ( I am sure people on the way must have declared me some kind of nut)

I came back and felt all energetic to start my work full gear. Inbetween I glanced inside the bags few times - smiled and got back to work. And out of this joy - I opened notepad and started writing this post ( Now that might not be good result of the therapy - as now my work is again sidelined) Yet its good because finally there would be some action on my blog.

So Ladies and Gentlemen - Go ahead - Indulge in some Retail Therapy today - Just Like that !!


  1. lol see I told its the best therapy :) it always works

    that was a good post, enjoyed reading had me smiling thru the end

    and potty training? is it going anywhere?

  2. @Monika - Thanks and yes this is the BEST therapy.

    And so far potty training is going nowhere. I am trying but she thinks its play time and sit there playing with whatever i give her to take her mind off.

    @Bibi - I wonder how anyone cannot like this therapy. You got to try this out next time you feel low :)


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