Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Letter to Someone I've drifted away from (Letter - 5)

My dear dear pal "R" from once upon a time...

I have to start this letter by saying "I miss you" Because that's the best thing that can summarize what I feel.

You were the first one I met when I started a new journey and we ended up spending 3 years together...sharing smiles and tears. We shared our life's best kept secrets.

We were different at so many levels yet the friendship grew stronger. Our views and thoughts didn't match yet we were there for each other. We have given endless lectures to each other about life. We have been each other's support pillar.

Then life moved on and we started walking in different directions...Sometimes we turned back and looked at each other...smiling and reminiscing in past gaiety. But we kept moving away ...and before we knew we had drifted far enough to see each other's smile or tear.

I think we both tried...but life had taken its course for good.

I have no regrets. We were best friends  and have countless happy memories for the rest of our lives. I have infinite memories from those college and hostel days ...

Thanks to social media we atleast have a tab on whats going on in each other's life. I guess that's enough to be thankful for now.

May you have a happy life with that beautiful son of yours. Someday do tell him about one of his so-called masis...His Aunt- Me!

With many happy memories
your friend

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