Thursday, July 29, 2010

7-days to positivity - DAY 6

I am doing it on alternate day basis but i am still happy that I can find out 5 things to feel great and thankful about everytime i try it.

So this list is for things from yesterday.

  1. That fruit lunch yesterday was sooo nice. Me and a friend went out, brought a selection of different fruit, made a fruit salad. I had it  with that lemon juice and ahe had it with some powedered sugar and yoghurt.
  2. It was a great feeling to wear that top again after like 6 more than months. It fits me again. YIPPEEEE.
  3. I felt unwell yesterday but becasue of that my husband came to pick me up from work and i went backhome early. It was so great to take that nap on the couch while he cooked dinner :)
  4. It was awesome when my daughter came back home from creche and saw me there. She got so super exccited and screamed out of joy. No need to say how elated and fortunate i felt.
  5. I totally enjoyed watching that movie lying in bed with my little daughter lying next to me. Oh what pleasure it was!
What a booster!!

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